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This is a tutorial to guide you through the process of creating your very own functional Discord bot in Python. It aims to help you understand the basic concepts of making a Discord bot, and help you all the way up to advanced concepts and features.

This tutorial aims to cover 2 main libraries at the same time, Nextcord and Disnake. Multiple code tabs will be used to show each library's implementation of the feature being explained, looking like this:

import nextcord
import disnake

For specific help with each of these libraries please join their respective support servers:


This is a tutorial intended for beginners to advanced bot developers, however it is not meant for beginner programmers, and contains advanced topics such as asynchronous programming. It is recommended that you have a firm grasp on Python and some of its more advanced concepts before you start developing bots, but it is not a hard requirement. If you have persistence and the willingness to learn and search for things you don't understand as you go along, you can learn both Python and bot development at the same time.


This tutorial is a guide to help you create bots, it is not meant for you to copy the code of, as this does not help you learn. I highly recommend that you do not directly copy code from here, since it will not help in the long run.

Start the Tutorial!